Friday, July 13, 2012

The Service Layer: How I understand it

There are several articles and posts out there regarding what a Service Layer is. I'm going to throw my two cents in as to what my interpretation of the Service Layer is.

Whenever I am in conversations with other devs or giving presentations about the Service Layer, I convey the following points:

A Service Class is primarily “just another object”.

When I had first started reading up on this my mind was flooded with several definitions which are all true and “click” after you understand what the Service Layer actually does. Start off thinking of a Service Classes as a normal

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Service Layer Series

It's been a while since I've posted, but this is not going to be about this topic today. This blog has been the one constant in my development career from when I could sink my teeth in enough into it to be good enough according to my intrinsic metrics to have an opinion (and think it matters) and I intend to keep it going.

As with any autodidactic programmer, I may mix up some concepts. To be quite honest, the more and more I use the Service Layer, the more it looks like an actual extension of the Model Layer than an actual layer that exists in between the model and it's clients.


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Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to watch a log file in realtime in Ubuntu Linux

There are times when I'm debugging code on a linux box that I want to see what's being logged by a Web Site or Web Application. What I used to have to do was do something on the website, then open up a terminal in Ubuntu (or any other linux distro for that matter) and view the logfile with either vim, nano, cat | less or gvim.

How I used text editors to do it
I use VIM as my default text editor on Ubuntu or any other linux distros (such as redhat, centos, debian, linux mint) that I work on.

A few weeks from now I used to use vim to open the log file, then the :e (edit) command to

view your log file in real time on ubuntu

Monday, January 3, 2011

How to fix phpmyadmin error: "Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed"

"Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed" It's one of those small, annoying messages that appear out of the way on your screen, but still catches your eye once in a while especially when you're deep in thought about how to building a multi-join query in the SQL tab of phpmyadmin.

Well, it annoyed me today so much that I finally decided to do something about it and finally take a look. I opened up the PHPMyAdmin config file located at /etc/phpmyadmin/config-db.php on Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat. There's a default username and password in $dbuser and $dbpass

Fix "Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed" in PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

ContentPane in dojo not loading scripts? This is how you fix it.

I was planning on writing my first enquiry on how to do something in dojo, but just before I pressed the submit button, I thought I'd look into one more thing and as the saying goes - "it's always in the last place you look" (probably because you stop looking after you find whatever it is you're looking for).

So the problem I had was that I wanted to load a datagrid inside a contentPane in a pet project my newbie friends and I are using to sharpen our Zend Framework skillz.

I've been idle (and will continue to be for the rest of the year) so all my tickets are pretty much at a stand

ContentPane in dojo not loading scripts or dijits in zend framework

Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Holidays everyone -- Winding down to hiatus mode.

Well, as fast as my wheels were turning for the past few weeks, I've decided to slow down for the holiday season and spend some time with the family.

To me, there is nothing better than _quality_ time with family - big emphasis on "quality" because when I'm in work mode, I'm always half thinking about work even when I'm sitting on the couch watching TV.

For me, now is the time to not think about work and spend time with, and think about what I'm really working for. This is also a good time to reflect on my goals for next year.

On a final note for 2010, I'd like to wish you all a Merry

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Analysis Paralysis: In a quest for perfection, I manage to achieve nothing

This was supposed to be a live coding note, but it just turned into something else. No ground breaking news, no new concept which will make you go "hmmm", just a guy kicking himself - you can safely ignore this frustrated post if you aren't in the mood to read about how much an idiot I think I am :P

It's been a mixture of Tunnel Vision, NIH Syndrom and Analysis paralysis that had me living in a haze of trying to implement DataMappers ala Zend Quickstart Guide on and off, for the past 4 weeks.

I even wrote the Unit Tests and everything for this project I've taken part in called

I found ZF doctrine provider at the end of Analysis Paralysis

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Unit testing with Live Databases and/or How do I use Mock Objects?

This is another live coding note. I've found my rhythm with TDD and currently bashing away at some unit tests for the Models and Service layers for a project I'm working on.

In tonights post, I'm going to write about how I get around with Unit Testing live databases.
Unit Testing with Live Databases
For my unit tests, I'm currently working with a live test database since I don't fully understand the "power" of mock objects. If you have any links out there that's worth noting, please be a friend and "link me". I'm not going to pretend that I know everything and anything about Web

unit testing with mysql test database, mock objects

Unit testing with Live Databases and/or How do I use Mock Objects?

This is another live coding note. I've found my rhythm with TDD and currently bashing away at some unit tests for the Models and Service layers for a project I'm working on.

In tonights post, I'm going to write about how I get around with Unit Testing live databases.
Unit Testing with Live Databases
For my unit tests, I'm currently working with a live test database since I don't fully understand the "power" of mock objects. If you have any links out there that's worth noting, please be a friend and "link me". I'm not going to pretend that I know everything and anything about Web

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

How to Get Gigabit Speeds from RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller on Ubuntu Linux

Do a quick lspci. Now do you see: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 02) for your Ethernet controller?

If so and your network connection information is reporting that your speed is 100 Mb/s rather than 1000 Mb/s, then you MIGHT be using the r8619 driver rather than the CORRECT r8168!

This is what I experienced when I had recently hooked my network up at home. I bought a ReadyNas Duo and updated my network switches to gigabit speeds with two D-Link Gigabit switches.

The expected Gigabit speeds 30 - 40 MB/s did not come. Instead I

gigabit speeds fixing r8168 and r8169 realtek NIC